Saturday, February 07, 2009
It cost the owners of the Federal Reserve approximately $.09 or less to print a "bill" of any denomination.
When a worker receives $10.00 for his/her labor the owners of the Federal Reserve profit up to $9.91!
Another +/- $2.00 (20%) Federal Tax is demanded by agents of the IRS on behalf of the owners of the Federal Reserve.
As I calculate it, with the present use of Federal Reserve "bills", for each $10.00 of a working man's labor his debt to the owners of the Federal Reserve is approximately $11.91. So who really profits when the "minimum wage" is raised? You? or, the owners' of the Federal Reserve who (in its current set-up) reaps the profits for printing additional "bills", the acceptance of which are taxed at 20% in additional "bills" that were never printed?
Should laborers acqueiesce by chip or plastic card to a totally cashless economy, profits for the owners of the Federal Reserve will increase exponentially approximately $12.00 for every $10.00 of a man's labor! This debt will be passed on to his descendents until they choose to rebel.
Today we are at the threshold of a democratic, volunteer, optimal form of indebted servitude, wherein none who oppose it will be able to buy or sell.
America is merely a geographic location wherein has been sown wheat and tares; and dwell sheep and goats. What's in your DNA? Fire burns tares, swords slay goats, and the Word of Truth set us (sheeple) free.
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