Wednesday, October 20, 2004



When this booklet was first printed in 1996 there seemed to be some hope that the republican form of government foreseen by our founding fathers could be salvaged in these united States of America. Since then it has become apparent that the ones who could have stayed the demise of this republic have not come forward to voluntarily assume their positions of leadership by vote or service.

In the past few years, decisions have been made by state legislatures and congressmen that have effectively put the people of GOD, offspring of Y'hv(w)'h, into a form of slavery heretofore unheard of. Corporations have all but completed their merge with governments, and the People have voluntarily contracted themselves, and the land they are to steward, to be "resources" - disposable commodities - that are kept or sold based on the profits, services or pleasures they provide to their contractual masters.

If You, the reader, choose to live your life as a resource for a corporate government established by man without Your active participation in its decision making process, you are free to do so. If however, You decide that the security of enslavement is not for You and Your descendants, you have the common law right and the GOD ordained duty to put the corporate government on notice and remind them who You are and that they can do nothing without Your consent.

Notices are: Written, witnessed, posted or published, and recorded. Here is a sample of a notice that was published for 6 consecutive weeks in the Fulton County Daily Report, Fulton County, Georgia; the county's legal instrument. The first publication was August 25, 1998; the last publication was September 29, 1998.


I, (FIRST MIDDLE; LAST NAME) born in the United States of diplomatic representatives by hereditary succession of the Kingdom of Heaven, claim the property, rights, privileges and immunities granted to me and my heirs by hereditary succession by Our Father, Y'hw(v)'h, the Creator and sovereign ruler of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. Let it be known that I and my heirs in succession claim sovereign immunity for debts and penalties incurred and imposed by execution of any adhesion or unconscionable instrument, contract or deed enacted by any entity, government or corporation.

(See Barron's Law Dictionary, 1996, (ISBN 0-8120-3380-9) for the definition of all words and phrases used in this notice. See "citizen" for definition of "diplomatic representatives".)

Since your signature (as opposed to handwriting) certifies your agreement, you may wish to add your fingerprint to the document.


By: Niki Hannevig

Did you know that geneticists and embryologists have found that cells are essentially pre-programmed by their DNA? And with the help of the various RNA, individual cells destined to be muscle, for instance, will have an affinity to other cells that are destined to be muscle. The same holds true for bone cells, ligament cells, etc.

Twin studies seem to indicate that what goes on at a cellular level may be analogous to us humans. For instance it is well known that twins who were separated at an early age and raised apart by different sets of parents seem to have similar preferences for hairstyle, fashion and occupations. Do you remember the following gems of wisdom from the ancients?

"An apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

"He's a chip off the old block"

"Like father, like son"

"Like mother, like daughter"

"It runs in the family"

"It's his/her royal blood"

Curiously this phenomenon was studied and documented in a 1977 longitudinal study of working class London, England youth. In this study the researchers, West and Farrington, found that:

"... less than 5% of all families were responsible for 48% of the criminal convictions of all family members". (Youth at High Risk for Substance Abuse, Department of Health and Human Services Publication #(ADM) 87-1537, 1987, p. 89)

As you continue to read you are encouraged to keep the following "rules" in mind. According to L. A. Baker and R. Clark in their 1990 article, Genetic Origins of Behavior: Implications for Counselors, in the Journal of Counseling and Development, volume 68, pg. 597-600:

# Heritability describes the relative importance of genetic differences among a group of individuals, rather than any one person.

# Environmental refers to all effects that are not inherited and thus could encompass both our individual experiences as well as biological factors, such as might result from diet, drugs, and physical traumas (Plomin, DeFries, & McClearn, 1990)

# Because Identical Twins share 100% of their genetic makeup any differences between them must be a function of their nonshared environmental influences (Baker & Daniels, 1990)

# Genetic expression can undergo change over a very short time interval such as demonstrated by ingestion of a dose of alcohol (Boomsma, Martin, & Molenaar, 1989).

# Parenting "styles" are much less important than each parent's (or primary caregiver's) behavior toward each child.

# Inherited traits and behaviors are modifiable.

What does genetics mean to us?

Our nation is relatively young. Many of our ancestors lived in societies under oppressive rulers or religious leaders. While in these societies, their natural abilities as ordained by a common CREATOR were stifled. Those who came to America (by choice), came with the hope and expectancy that they would be able to pursue their understanding of "... life, liberty and ... happiness". There was no issue as to the parameters within which this could be done, because the "common law" of the accepted culture of that time was based on GOD (Good Orderly Direction), and the New and Old Testaments of the Bible were their handbooks for life. Unfortunately, as people prospered they relinquished their responsibilities to govern their families into the hands of educators, policemen and politicians. Laws were passed to "Pick up the slack" and little by little the criminal element, whose growth was left unchecked, eroded these newly acquired freedoms by intimidation, criminal practices and doing that which is contrary to GOD. An example of one of the laws of GOD that was abdicated to influences outside the family can be found in Deut. 21:18-23 (N.A.S.):

"If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town and they shall say to the elders of his city, 'This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard.' Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear and fear."

Unions (guilds) and political parties became a breeding place for this unchecked element in our society. They infiltrated the "slap 'em on the back good old boys" who gathered in the local Pubs, Taverns, Bar-rooms and Beer Gardens. While there in the midst of the expectant immigrants, this criminal element fed off the grief, guilt and loneliness associated with their relocation and their leaving behind aging family members and supportive friends. The immigrants who had a predisposition for addictions further complicated their normal anxieties and process of assimilation by falling prey to the criminal element who often took advantage of the immigrants' poor language skills and set them up in compromising situations in order to tarnish their reputations. Some were coerced or blackmailed to keep them in the subservient, oppressive political and religious conditions that they came to this country to escape. Some voluntarily brought shame and oppression on themselves and their families by trying to "save face" after their "set-up" or grandiose bragging (lies) about their old country heritage while having "one too many" at the local gathering place.

In order to maintain their sense of dignity - the intimidated, blackmailed, shamed, guilt and grief-stricken immigrants, settled for less than they had hoped for. Many families dropped the painful "feeling" words from their newly learned English vocabulary and focused on survival with the attitude - "If I can't beat them - I'll join them!". Some of them drank their way into early graves or turned to oppressive churches whose leaders gladly meted out the penance they felt they deserved.

Soon the "good old boys" (by choice or chance) set themselves up as community leaders. This afforded them "job security" and a means by which to extort money and services from the local community. As these families propagated, it became necessary for them to expand their power base and secure their foot-hold. Schools and social programs were taken from the community and given to the offspring of the good old boys who were in the process of establishing new cultural norms. Those who were considered "intellectuals" by the newly established "norms" did away with historical biblical teachings. They then compartmentalized education to such an extent that it had no discernible relationship to every day life. Social programs were established in such a way as to foster a master/slave relationship on a second or third generation of grieving, shame filled, guilt-stricken, (and sometimes) addicted people. Spankings became thought of as "child abuse" instead of discipline - and the authority of parents who sought to raise their children in accordance with biblical principles were undermined by proponents of the newly established "norms".

This inter-generation residue of unresolved grief and learned coping skills has placed many of us - second and third generation inhabitants - into the same oppressed status that our forefathers either fought against, or escaped. We free men and women, by birth or choice, must learn to trust and gain strength from the knowledge we glean from genetics and embryology. We must have the belief and courage to discipline and teach our children that within our beings lies a type of spiritual DNA specifically designed to build our personal lives and this country into the type of nation foreseen by the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the designers of our Constitution. They understood what the term "Manifest Destiny" was to mean to this generation.

Take your Bible, a piece of paper, a pen or pencil, a calculator, and a few minutes to do some simple computations.

In the book of Acts, Chapter 2 verse 41 (Acts 2:41), it states that "about 3,000 souls were added" by baptism to the (plus or minus) 120 disciples (Acts1:15) on the Day of Pentecost (Acts2:1), about 30 AD. Consider the impact of this phenomenon on the people of that day, especially after the significant events that took place during the preceding 4 or more years by those men called Yochanan (John) and Yahshua (Jesus). During that time THOUSANDS of people saw them and heard them teach. Some tasted the water that was turned to wine, saw trees wither, storms stopped, people healed of various physical and mental illnesses, demons dispossessed, and persons who were dead returned to life. In addition, Yahshua, Himself, ate, drank and conversed with at least 500 people (ICor 15:6) for 40 days following the 3rd day after His death.

Now, take your calculator and conservatively enter the number 3120 for the number of persons who were directly affected by the happenings in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost circa 30 AD (That's 3,000 for the persons baptized, and 120 for the disciples.) Divide that number by 2 to satisfy the skeptics who argue that a percentage were already married to each other or would not have children because of their age or other reasons. Now take that figure (1,560) and multiply it by a conservative estimate that each of those persons who did have children had (at least) 5 children. Also, to control for skepticism, lets assume that each generation is 40 years - instead of the usual 20 - and that each child of each 40 year generation, had (at least) 5 additional children. In one generation there would have been 7,800 persons who had heard the stories about the "pouring out" and "receiving" (impregnation) of the spiritual energy (Holy Spirit) on the Day of Pentecost circa 30 AD directly from at least one of their parents who was an eyewitness to the aforementioned events. In the second generation there would have been 39,000 who would have heard the stories from at least one of their grandparents. (At this point you can subtract the 7,800 people of the first generation who had probably died.) Consider now that by the 3rd generation (a mere 80-120 years) there were still eye witnesses alive, and 195,000 offspring from the original 3,120 eyewitnesses. By the 4th generation there were 975,000. By the 5th, 4,875,000. By the 6th, 24,375,000, and by the 7th, I get that little "E" symbol on my calculator, and I am only between 308 and 314AD. Also consider that this special Spirit has been passed on by touch - by the laying on of hands (read for yourself in Acts 8:18) and is not for sale. Answer the following questions:

# How many direct descendants of first century Jerusalemites do you think are on the earth today after 49 generations?

# Where are the descendants of those people today?

# How many of those people dispersed to Europe?

# How many of those people dispersed to Asia?

# How many eventually migrated to the United States of America?

# How many dispersed to Africa and were later brought to America in slave ships?

# How many African-Americans repeated the pattern of the European immigrants when they moved from the plantations to the cities?

# How should the descendants of those individuals directly affected by the happenings in Jerusalem during that most unusual event on Pentecost circa 30 AD be living their lives today?

# What were the precepts of life that were taught through scriptures that were known to those early generations and to our founding fathers?

Toss a Rock into a body of water. Watch the ripples go on, and on, and ... on. Breathe out a breath of air on a cool morning. Watch the moisture from your mouth disperse through the atmosphere. Where does it go? Where do the particles of water in the ripples go? When do the atoms which make up the molecules in those drops of water cease to be? The obvious answer is that the atoms which make up the molecules of water never cease to be in motion. The water may freeze and turn to a solid or evaporate and become a gas but it never ceases to be the elements of water.

Consider today that there are, once again, by conservative estimate, billions of people who are direct descendants of the early disciples or the brothers and sister of Yahshua. Add to that (conservative) estimates of the descendants of Abraham - "in whose seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed" (Gen. 22:18) - particularly the descendants of each of the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel). You can start your multiplying with them from approximately 1752 BC using the same estimates as before. Also notice as you do this that the people we recognize as the Jews - from the historical nation of Judah - may comprise less than 1/2 of the descendants of Jacob (Israel). Read in a Bible how that came about after the death of King Solomon in 1Kings chapter 12. We pretty well know where the Jews are today, for to them was given "the oracles of GOD", Rom 3:1-2. They continue to keep the Sabbath and Festivals outlined by GOD through Moses in Leviticus 23*. But where are the descendants of the majority of Judah's siblings who, one would assume, propagated at a similar rate?

Ask yourself:

Could I be a descendant of Abraham from whom all of the families of earth are blessed?

Could I be a descendant of one of the apostles, or Mary, the mother of Yahshua?

If you think that's possible, look into Your family history. It's in the Bible. The apostles and the majority of first century "Christians" were Israelites. Paul, for example, was of the tribe of Benjamin. According to Judges 19:22 Benjaminite men seemed to have a problem with homosexuality. If you think you may have descended from Benjamin, you may want to read Judges 19 and consider the consequences of the Benjaminite's behavior. Also ask yourself:

Could Paul's II Cor. 12:7 "thorn in the flesh" have been his lust for other men?

Let's learn from the accomplishments, as well as the mistakes of our ancestors.

Let us truly make an effort to understand the social and economic "iniquities" that were brought on us by our fathers, see Deut. 5:9-10. It was our parents and grandparents who allowed this government to disregard biblical principles and deify people, drugs and the Federal Reserve fiat monetary system. Let us make a conscious choice to undo the damage done by them for our future generations. Let's take the time to contemplate the problems in our nation and:

# Be proactive in seeking the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness (Mat. 6:33).

# Return local governments to a system of honest elections with recountable paper ballots.

# Run for local and national offices. Learn about the real issues and position yourself like Esther.

# Choose local and national leaders who want to do what is right for their descendants and who will base their decisions on GOD - Good Orderly Direction - and the Constitution which our concerned forefathers authored with this generation in mind.

# Look into the Spiritual structuring of the government of Messiah and do your part to bring it about in your community.

# Consider the possibility that this nation was envisioned by our founding fathers to be that nation that brings forth ever ruling leadership through the people of GOD, by ruling in the Spirit of the TRIUMPHANT, Ever Living, Messiah.

After reading this booklet, if you speculate that even a speck of Abraham's DNA lives in You it is Your duty to make Yourself known as a leader in your community.

Consider that the final stages of maturation of a fetus continues to take place in its central nervous system. That system, in Messiah, is reaching completion by the process of a mass network of communication via radio, TV, telephone, computers and one-on-one conversation. Learn to use these devices effectively. Let's face the issues head on and behave like who and what We are - the legitimate heirs - the children of promise - the ones who have been touched by the hands of our ancestors and impregnated with an empowering, triumphant Spirit of righteousness. Let's bring forth leadership, both individually and collectively, as a unified, fully developed governing body with the Spiritual Energy of Messiah. Let's treat one another with respect and facilitate each others progress to become the Kings and Priests that We were born to be (See Revelation 1:5). This is America's "manifest destiny". This is our destiny, manifested.

So be it.

* The first day of the Creator's year appears to begin with the new moon (new month) closest to the spring equinox, Jerusalem time. Since the Bible measures a day from sunset to sunset, the day of the new moon would be the first day of a new month. The Jewish holy days shown on standard calendars are sometimes incorrect because of Rabbinical postponements.


The following is presented "as is", just as it was first published in 1983 in a book titled "The Tontine Government." This transmission is not offered for general consumption, as only a very small percentage of you will understand or appreciate its contents, and it is for that very small percentage that it is primarily being offered.

T H E E X O N [T h e E x e m p t E l e c t; i.e., those who have given to themselves "power".]

[EXON: "(In Britain) one of four yeomen of the guard who act as commanding officers in the absence of higher authority. Also called EXEMPT."]

The Federal Reserve Act transferred the money-making powers of the United States to a private group of bankers who then set up the fractional reserve system of banking. Under the charter granted to this private corporation, there was a stipulation that if the American people did not agree with its operation, the people had 20 years to oust the corporate charter. They could (or were entitled to do this) by the use of an ancient Common Law Writ called a Quo Warranto ["quo warranto" means "by what right?"] After 20 years it becomes a matter of Public Policy; Public Policy being a part of the Law of Nations under the Law Merchant. Twenty years puts us to the year 1933, which is the infamous year the Congress suspended our Public National Money System (Gold Standard, House Joint Resolution 192, June 5, 1933) and put an end to the American people being able to "pay" their debts "at law." Upon reading the debates of the 73rd Congress in 1933 on the subject of the gold standard, one learns that on June 5, 1933 America became bankrupt; being unable to tender in "payment" of debts.

But that is only part of the story. What you probably also missed was the part where America was re-insured by a credit policy and this was done under the Statute of 19 George II c. 37. At the stroke of the pen, American lost its Constitutional government in "payment" of debts and its 18-delegated powers, along with its allodial land titles and all the "law" that went with it. Instead of "paying" taxes to support a democratic-republican form of government, where the people are sovereign, we now have a parliamentary-republic in which the Congress is the sovereign. But more importantly, all we can do is a compelled performance in "discharge" (NOT PAYMENT) of debts. These "discharges" are nothing more than insurance premiums to the Federal Reserve, which is a Tontine policy, which is re-insured by a credit policy.

The idea of a Tontine scheme is nothing new, but has existed in one form or another since the Roman Empire. As time went on, it became more sophisticated up to the point where it is today. The first Tontine started in America in 1791. By the year 1880, Tontines were very numerous and were quite corrupt. There was practically no end to their power due to the immense amounts of money involved. As a result of this money power, the Tontine insurance companies were buying up businesses and controlling the government. As a result, the Tontines became so corrupt and gross that they threatened the American family and the very basis of the United States of America. This corruption spurned the Armstrong Committee in the year 1905 to investigate the Tontine insurance companies. After a long investigation, the committee recommended that the state legislatures pass legislation banning Tontine schemes. This was done under the non-forfeiture statues. The owners of these Tontine schemes saw that their whole world was about to collapse because of the pending legislation regarding their schemes. They immediately went to work to establish a federal system to both broaden the scope of their operation and avoid the problems of operating in individual states. This was the start of the Federal Reserve System in 1913. The Tontine policy is a gambling policy, or what is called in the law, a wagering policy. The cunning plot to reinstitute the Tontine scheme at the Federal level in the name of the Federal Reserve is by all means cunning and despicable. This is the basic groundwork used to enslave the American people.

Their next move was the suspension of the Public National Money System (HJR 192) in "payment" of debts, and then 5 years later, the Erie Railroad v. Tomkins 304 U.S. 64 case, which opened the floodgates to flood the country with insurance script, debt and credit in "discharge" of debts.

The plot to enslave the people thickens even more because until the advent of (HJR 192) and the Erie Railroad decision, the Maritime or Admiralty Law now prevails over the entire country through re-insurance of a credit policy mentioned earlier. The second a person touches the credit system of the Public National Credit (Federal Reserve) they have involved themselves in a Joint Maritime venture for profit in a Tontine policy of limited liability for the payment of debt. The joint venture being the use of the communal credit, Maritime Law is a credit system, and finally, you have created an insurable interest because you used the credit system of the commune. The insurable interest is what the federal income tax, right to work taxes, property taxes, and all the other obscenities that you can think of are about. These are not taxes, but insurance premiums on the use of the credit for profit.

In the case of De Livio v. Boit, 2 Galliston, Mass., Federal Case No. 3776 (1812), it was held that insurance is a maritime contract, therefore, of Admiralty Jurisdiction. A person's involvement in Maritime Law (communal credit of the Tontine, HJR 192) means you are on a voyage and hopefully it will be successful (gambling) and you will make a profit. Under limited liability for the payment of debt, the limited liability is provided by the insurance premiums you tender (your taxes).

Common Law insurance is for the security of the family unit and not for profit. This means that you want to place yourself under the Common Law rather than the Maritime Law, unless you are greedy, corrupt and in control of the system! The principles of Maritime Law is not family, but rather for profit, and under Maritime Law you can be (and are) compelled to carry insurance (pay taxes -- a form of protection money) and you are now beginning to see the mess this country is in and how we got here.

The gold bill being promoted by Rep. Ron Paul from Texas is another hoax by the enemy in order to destroy the Federal Reserve, thereby allowing the Class "A" stockholders of the Tontine to foreclose on the United States Treasury, whereby all the land titles will be totally locked up along with the highway system that has the U.S. in front of the route number, the Library of Congress will be confiscated and all the truths about the corrupt Tontine will disappear forever. These are only a few of the foreclosures to come. Rep. Ron Paul's gold bill is a private gold system owned by the owners of the Tontine swindle. This gold bill will not repeal HJR 192, nor will it be a Public National Gold Standard owned by "We the People" in "payment" of debt.

The Formula of the Federal Reserve is as follows:

Fractional Reserve Banking is a Tontine policy, re-insured by a credit policy in the form of ex-chequer annuitie bills generating an over insurance, which is split with the Class "A" stockholders of the Federal Reserve and the United States Treasury. This split started in 1946 to fund their socialistic programs whose effect catalyzed small investment and over-consumption, postulating traded discounted script, compounding on Tontine principles, whose price premium is being confiscated through insurable interest at positive premium, positive premium, reflecting inflation.

As one can see, the freedom movement has been taking an historical approach to the problem and this has been in error because nowhere in the history of the world today have we dealt with the issues that we are confronted with today.

An interesting fact, as a result of the Tontine (Federal Reserve), HJR 192 and the Erie Railroad decision is this: there is no longer an immovable law (Common Law) of the world to guide commerce. Everything is in collision through a Tontine (gambling policy) for profit (greed) under limited liability for the payment of debt, ala John Calvin and the Teutonic Order. For more information on the Teutonic Order, see the "Black Book of the Admiralty" 4 volumes, the authority on Admiralty Law. The above Tontine, HJR 192 and the Erie Railroad decision, 304 U.S. 64, has now turned private enterprise, not free enterprise, into public law under the International Law of Marine Insurance under the guise of National Government. This law of insurance (limited liability for the payment of debt) has superseded the Common Law and equity. All the Law and equity has been dismantled and replaced by a wagering policy of insurance under Admiralty Law.

Since HJR 192 and the Erie Railroad decision replaced the immovable law (Common Law) with the movable law (law of marine insurance), then it follows that there are in reality, no Common Law juries today. Today's juries decide no issues of Law. Today's judges, state and federal, are now more properly Vice Admiralty Chancellors ruling in marine insurance and the juries merely advisory councils which serve as the conscience of the Vice Admiral (after being instructed by him). The legislature (sovereign) has already ruled by passing the statute initially. One has to remember that we as a people and a nation are bankrupt and insolvent, being unable to determine our own destiny because we cannot truly "pay" our debts. You are not responsible today for what you do, Common Law however is full responsibility for your actions.

Organized religions of today teach the Tontine principles of the Teutonic Order. Proof of this is that the church will not marry you unless you get permission from the State. The license, incidentally, is purchased with Tontine insurance script. This license requirement is a direct result of the church having its franchise to operate from the State under limited liability for the payment of debt (forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors). For more on John Calvin, read Thomas Jefferson's letter to Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, June 26, 1822. For profit, because the church is tied into the Tontine credit system and is gambling to make a profit. Ultimately, what this all means is the One World Corporate Church (EXON) operates for profit while its debts are passed onto the reprobate or non-elect slaves on Space Ship Earth. This "good ship Earth" concept is important because it allows the law of maritime insurance and not the Common Law to operate and our freedoms are based on the Common Law as prescribed by our Founding Fathers.

The law of maritime insurance (Tontine) imposition is destroying families by turning them into warring cannibals. The order of the day will soon be murder, rape, robbery, distrust and lack of respect for your fellow man, along with unidentifiable fatherhood to be a corporate cog in their machine to worship their coal-tar god of EXON. This will all work for the benefit of the people of EXON (the elect) who will be exempt from all liabilities. These EXON are the last survivors of the Tontine swindle, such as George Rapp and his Harmony Society that became the first Tontine court case in America. In this case, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the people's right to enter into a commune and each surrender his property into one common stock for the mutual benefit of all. Schriber v. Rapp, 5 Watts 23 (1836). It is this very case that opened the door for the destruction of America and its precious document called the "Constitution of the United States." The Class "A" stockholders of the Tontine Life Insurance Corporation of limited liability for the payment of debt called the Federal Reserve. They will own everything on the face of the Earth and the non-elect reprobates will be locked into performing as slaves. The non-elect will be forced to use all the EXON's phoney products so the EXON can show a profit. Thomas Jefferson said it will take mankind at least 2,000 years to overthrow this slavery should we become totally locked into it.

This may sound like an insane story, but it is true, nevertheless.

Lee Brobst - Lecturer -----------
(This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Patriot FTP site by S.P.I.R.A.L., the Society for the Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. Email


To defend the

-Laws of Nature-
-& of Natures GOD-
-Local Governments-
-Art. 1, Sec.3-
-These united States-
-of America-


And to resist the

-United Nations-
-Non Governmental-
-with Lobbyist-
-United States-
-with 17th Amendment-
-Corporate State-
- "Citizens"-
-"Human Resources"-
-"Human Capital"-

Email me! 


It cost the owners of the Federal Reserve approximately $.09 or less to print a "bill" of any denomination.

When a worker receives $10.00 for his/her labor the owners of the Federal Reserve profit up to $9.91!

Another +/- $2.00 (20%) Federal Tax is demanded by agents of the IRS on behalf of the owners of the Federal Reserve.

As I calculate it, with the present use of Federal Reserve "bills", for each $10.00 of a working man's labor his debt to the owners of the Federal Reserve is approximately $11.91. So who really profits when the "minimum wage" is raised? You? or, the owners' of the Federal Reserve who (in its current set-up) reaps the profits for printing additional "bills", the acceptance of which are taxed at 20% in additional "bills" that were never printed?

Should laborers acqueiesce by chip or plastic card to a totally cashless economy, profits for the owners of the Federal Reserve will increase exponentially approximately $12.00 for every $10.00 of a man's labor! This debt will be passed on to his descendents until they choose to rebel.

Today we are at the threshold of a democratic, volunteer, optimal form of indebted servitude, wherein none who oppose it will be able to buy or sell.


America is merely a geographic location wherein has been sown wheat and tares; and dwell sheep and goats.

What's in your DNA?

Fire burns tares, swords slay goats, and the Word of Truth set us (sheeple) free.


2012 - Folklore and Facts